Super Easter Sale!


Creeper Hugger
Kewl, I Already Got Lord rank on factions ;-)


Void Walker
You serious?!? D: I could have gotten Knight instead of Warrior.... ;-;


Gold Miner
Darn it, hopefully this lasts a day longer. I got to get some money out of the bank and see what I can get. Earthgames and Parkour VIP are near the top, even though I beat the latter twice and am presently stuck at the current end. I might get one of the two for KitPvP even though I barely like it. I can careless for the rest of the servers I don't already have VIP (ZombieV is the only one.) on. Well.. I might venture back on to Creative someday. It's just all my prettys got deleted with the reset of it and I haven't been back on since. I didn't even finish it because I kept getting bored of Creative, but yeah. I was trying to create some kind of fortress wall using Millenaire style towers (with my own touches of lapis floors and crap) on the four corners.