Added KitPvP Suggestion


Staff member
To increase the amount of PvP that happens in the arena instead of people AFKing at spawn. Drastically increase the amount of money per kill.

We all know this is one of the worst ways to make money on kit atm. But surely it should be one of the best ways, it is PvP after all?

I believe $5-$10 per kill could help the number of 'active' players on the server. It gets boring and players lose interest if they're one of the only people down in the arena whilst 70+ players are at spawn.


Obsidian Miner
An increase sounds good as long as the farming players plugin stays & will prevent farming. The only downside of this is potentially increasing the want to get into gset and farm players.


Tree Puncher
I think both wowoow and Wiggster are somewhat right. It would be good to motivate players from spawn to go down and PvP. But there's a risk of people want to get into better gear to get those extra kills and/or money. I think if the farming players plugin will be made so they can't really "abuse" the fact you get more money. This could be a great addition to add more PvP.


Obsidian Miner

I do see wowoow's point as well


Gold Miner
+1 kills should make more money than fishing


First Step
I suggest to pot back /kit pots and /kit apple as in becto
With a /kit apple who gives an apple with a cooldown of 20 or 30 sec
And a /kit pots who gives 2 pots of heal 1 and 1 pots of Regeneration 1 and 1 pots of speed 1 during 3 min with a cooldown of 30 or 40 sec


Ghast Hunter
- Increased the minimum money from kills from 0.75 to 1.5
- Increased the minimum money from assists from 0.4 to 0.75
- Increased the maximum money from kills from 2.5 to 5.0
- Increased the maximum money from assists from 1.0 to 2.5
- Buffed the East Outpost it will now give a 10% damage increase instead of 7%
- Buffed the West Outpost it will now give a 15 EXP bonus per kill instead of 10
- Buffed the South Outpost it will now give a 3$ bonus per kill instead of 1.25
- Increased the EXP you sometimes get from killing a player from 25 to 35
We have made the above-listed changes, we are open to more feedback on this!