
Hi! My name is Vinny!

I am a 13 year old, and people tell me that i'm funny. My hobbies that I like to do are make people laugh, cheer people up, play video games, and skateboard. Just because i'm funny and joke around a lot, people tend to think i'm dumb. To this I laugh at because I have straight A's and am in advanced classes. The things I hate most in this world is my step parents and stress. I got into minecraft back when enchantment tables came out, and I love nothing more than to spend an afternoon playing minecraft with my friends. My goals in life are to become a sponsored skateboarder, or become a YouTuber (Yes I have already tried to combine the two by doing skating videos, but gaming ones are fun as well). I never think negatively about someone else, but I do rage when I die to a hacker. This can vary from a report and shrugging it off, all the way to screaming at the top of my lungs. Also I highly dislike being scammed no matter what the circumstance. My favorite server is snapcraft, and the Nexus. But Snapcraft is starting to become my all time favorite!

Well that's all about me! But I would love to hear all about you! PM me sometime and maybe we can chat! Stay cool! Anyways this is who I am. I'll See You all Later.

Peace Out!
Coastal Carolinas
Making others laugh and enjoy themselves




  1. 1

    Out of the water

    You've posted for the first time! You've unlocked a new title!