My Resignation And Final Goodbye.


Creeper Hugger
Hello everyone.

Today I have come to the incredibly hard decision that I will be leaving the staff team, and will be quitting minecraft. This time, for good.

The server has been excellent since I have rejoined it after my 2 year break, but due to recent events with my faction, Fallen, being a dead faction as well as the factions server not being as enjoyable as it used to be. Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed it, but I’ve realised that nothing can beat the old times.

I’d like to thank the faction Fallen for reigniting my interest for minecraft and would like to thank the staff team for helping me out throughout my short time as staff.

I’d also like to specially thank @Maarten . After what I did I wasn’t expecting you to accept me back into the server community let alone the staff team. But you did and I am forever grateful for the opportunity, you’re a sound person and wish you the best in your future endeavours.

Thank you everyone, it’s been a great 4 years.

Signing out,

Joe, wackyelephant


Staff member
Sad to see you leave joe, have a great life :)


Emerald Miner
Bye joe! :-(


Creeper Hugger
It's been wondnerful to reconnect with you Joe, I'm glad you came back although it wasn't as long as I wanted you to stay <3

keep in touch over discord (or ill b sad)

goodbye :-(


Zombie Killer
bye wackylegend