ZombieV Tutorial/Guide


First Step
Many players new and old are having trouble figuring out what to do on ZombieV (Upgrades, zombie keys, donations etc.) In this tutorial i will list everything you need to know about ZombieV.

Joining games: You can join games by either the left or right villager or with the usage of the /arenas command. Or use the quick join villager in from of spawn or /easy, /medium, /hard.

Scraping items: To scrap unwanted items for money you would use /sell and then right click the iron golem to get rid of your unwanted items (Recieved by vote keys, zombie keys or weapons/armor you bought that you no longer need).

Checking current balance (Coins): You can see how much money you have by the right side of your screen (Scoreboard). Or by using the command /bal or /money.

This is more where the tutorial begins:

New players:

What should you buy/upgrade:

So whenever i first started zombieV i was like oh zombie slayer and master bow has to be the best items i can get, This was completely wrong don't buy them unless you are getting a steady income of money. The best thing you can start out doing is buying a berserk sword in the /blacksmith and wearing armor recieved by vote keys and crates (In the start) after you get a steady income go for the artifact armor. These items are up-gradable by money and will most likely give you the best advantage at killing zombies. After a while of upgrading these weapons/armor you will be able to kill zombies easily with no problems.

Making money fast:
This is frowned upon unless you know players who don't care that is where kindness is a huge part in this. Joining Extreme games towards level 10 will be the fastests way anyone can make money. Currently soloing waves 1-10 on extreme nets me around 37k money (With lucky 5). and waves 1-10 takes me around 10-20minutes to complete. (My upgrades are very high currently). Find people that will help boost money with you and perhaps you will make friends with good people that will help you out in the long run :). took me about 3 days of killing to get people to where i am currently.

What enchantments to buy first?: Honestly it's up to you, sharpness is good against all mobs, Bane is for spiders, Smite is more for zombies but skeletons and withers also. Beserker is something you must get if you would like to stay alive longer, When you right click with a berserk sword you do 300% more damage and a 50% health steal (Good when you are low on health).

Knockback: You are considering buying knockback on your sword, Honestly this is unnecessary to buy and players will be unhappy that you bought anything with knockback on it. The only times you might need knockback is whenever there are in the higher levels. (Unethical to farm anything higher then wave 20).

Zombie Keys: You notice that players are receiving zombie keys, Zombie keys are given to players by killing zombies or bosses. There is not a set amount of zombie keys you should be given per amount of kills, zombie keys are dropped randomly.

Dueling: Something to stay away from players will trick you into dueling them money and have better gear in their inventories. This is where VIP comes in handy as VIP you have the option to /invsee players inventories. But watch out most players who like to duel most likely have hacks. So watch out for dueling unless you know that player well.

VIP rank: It's good for invseeing other players /invsee playername and gets you a few good skins at the start for your weapons. Some things are currently broken but i'm sure they will be fixed soon. And it gives you a cool purple tag :-D.

Interested in helping me get through levels? Message me in game @ Yvetss I will help you get money very quickly and easily. We currently have 3 people help boosting new players. I require no fees for helping you get your gear/money/weapons but if you would like to donate to me you can :).

So this is all i have for now, I will update this more when players have questions. It's a decent amount that will help you start going feel free to message me in game @ Yvetss