
Well that's just plain rude and incorrect.
@~Crafter~ xD wellll @Jedz99 liked it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Since when was Jedz correct about anything :-P
shotss fired o.o
Well listen here then Benny boy, I am right almost all of the time if not all the time. Don't tell lies on the forums nub. Could get you in trouble considering you're an admin. xoxo
"Almost all of the time"? That's a massive exaggeration Miss Australia.
Oh really? That is interesting as you clearly still haven't got it through your brain that I do not live in Australia. I don't exaggerate or lie unlike you have these last few posts. Error: You failed, Please don't try again soon! :)
No you're the one who made An3rror. I'm definitely correct. Everyone know's you live on a deck in Australia.
Shes actuallly a nut
You are actually incorrect there, mind you thats usually the case. I live in New Zealand. It is such a shame that you don't realize that after I have told you so many times.
New Zealand is part of Australia, I'm surprised you don't know this considering you live there.
And I'm definitely not wrong about you living on a deck, you love the deck.
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Why of course everyone enjoys hanging out on decks, that is just common knowledge. However you really should learn how to read/research as you clearly can't do that very well. Two different countries benny boy.
Well you liked the comment so clearly your agree. :)
Finally teaching you some sense. Only taken 14 years.