hello note

  1. lituratesweets


    I'm lituratesweets. some of you may know me from the building challenge i participated in on the prison server. anyways i'm glad to be a member of the server. much love, <3. signed, lituratesweets.
  2. Camellia Guan

    Hi there!

    Hi guys and girls! I'm Camellia, and my MC character right now is Slick943OG! I'm 14 and live in the U.S. Nice to meet you all, and I hope that I'll have a fun time in this server with all of you!
  3. Zepharam

    Zepharam's - Hello Note!

    I would just like to say that I love this server in so many ways and just love how everything was setup, website, plugins, games, maps, and much more! Games I love on the server are! 1. Factions 2. KitPvP 3. Lucky Block Brawl