
  1. NightExpert

    hey...I'm a builder...

    Hey guys my name is Night. I am a builder and that's one of the reasons I came one this website. I would like to be builder on this server, I will work for free. I am eleven but I think I am good, in the most humble way. hope you guys consider making me one of your builders
  2. RingerPvP_

    How do you unlink your account to forums?

    I've tried /unlink could someone help me?
  3. ImSuperEasy

    Exp isnt even relavant....Extremely Low

    My ign is MadisonParks, used to be ImSuperEasy, i have been arguing the same problems for a while now. Recently i just logged onto an alt my friend let me use so that i could see how long it takes to get 30 levels as a non-rank. I played for 8 hours of straight pvp and only made it to level 11...
  4. ImSuperEasy

    Revamp to Xp Balls dropping Every Kill

    In my opinion the map where xp balls instead of bottles dropping after every kill was the best map of snapcraft other than the lag. Now that the lag has been fixed but the plugins have been changed and taken away the server is a lot more dull, not as much fun or enchanting through the gametime...