snapcraft appreciation

  1. D

    New beginning

    I Have decided to abandon my old forums account known as spartan80085 that was made in 2013 when I was 14. Now I am 21 and completely different, so it was best for me to change my account as well.
  2. Justaclown


    Hi.....My name is Justaclown probably more known as JoKeR....i make people laugh...sometimes cry....rarely both...i like this server a lot...yeah.
  3. MayaPeeps

    Snapcraft appreciation day

    Don't you think snapcraft deserves a day to be loved by all of its members, A day that iMaarteeenn can come on and say wow I am proud of my server. A day Where everyone even with all of their differences can come together and be grateful of snapcraft. Anyone that would try to ruin this day could...