1.7/ 1.8 On Snapcraft?


Zombie Killer
Hey guys, its been a while since I have really been on Snapcraft, and I wanted to put my opinion on the current state of the server out there.

I really loved the server when it was in 1.7. I really did. And now that it's upraded to 1.8, I really haven't. 1.8 hit detection is really off and I never like it. I was wondering if the dev team could work on a 1.7/1.8 server so people can have a choice on which version they want to use.

That's all for now



EG too >.> I know alot of the great pvpers are over on kitpvp but there are also alot of casual pvpers on eg who absolutely hate the hit detection over there...
I would be right infront of somebody hitting them and they wouldnt be taking any hits...


Emerald Miner
1.7/1.8 detection has no difference. When the server was updated to 1.8 only the new blocks, game modes, and other Java Coding were added; there was nothing improved/worsened. Though the detection issue you may be incountering is in servers with certain types of "Anti-Cheat” plugins. Just wanted to throw that out there. :)

FYI: the "Anti-Cheat" plugins are really, really, really frustrating when it comes to trying to fight player versus player.


Zombie Killer
The anti cheat was changed on EG about a week ago, This fixed 90% of the hit detection.
There are still some things I still like about 1.7 like certain mods, toggle sprint, etc. Will check out the hit reg asap and update this thread.

Thanks @Maarten

1.7/1.8 detection has no difference. When the server was updated to 1.8 only the new blocks, game modes, and other Java Coding were added; there was nothing improved/worsened. Though the detection issue you may be incountering is in servers with certain types of "Anti-Cheat” plugins. Just wanted to throw that out there. :)

FYI: the "Anti-Cheat" plugins are really, really, really frustrating when it comes to trying to fight player versus player.
There is a big difference between 1.8 and 1.7 hit reg, at least in the vanilla state. You can hit people while they are running away from you as well now and sometimes it takes a bit longer for hits to register. It may be different from snapcraft but I haven't really looked at it yet.