WorldEdit Guide


Ghast Hunter
Snapcraft WorldEdit Guide

WorldEdit is a great tool that makes large buildings much quicker, and faster. It does take some time to learn, but it will be worth it. This detailed thread is post into 4 sections. How to Get World Edit, Basic Commands, Advanced Commands, and More Information.

How to Get World Edit
World Edit is used on Snapcraft's creative server. To get access to world edit, you will need to atleast have the [Master] or [Legend] Rank which can be bought on our store.
World edit mainly revolves around typing in commands, and using a "wand". The wand is simply a wooden axe. You can either get a wooden axe from your inventory, or you can do //wand. If //wand doesn't work for you, then simply try relogging. If it still doesn't work after that, please submit a support ticket and the friendly staff will be able to resolve your issue.

Basic Commands
How to Make a Wall
Making a wall in world edit is very simple. All you have to do is with any block, use that block to mark the lower left corner and the upper right corner. Now this is the part where you will use your wand (wooden axe). Make sure your wand is in your hand as you left click on the first block, then you right click on the other. When you left click, you should see something in the chat that says "First position set to (location/cords)" in pink. When you right click, the same thing will happen except it will say "Second position". After your have selected the first and second position, now you will type a command. To do this type in //set (block). For the block you want, you may type in the ID or the name of the block. For example, to make a wall of glowstone you would type in "//set glowstone" or "//set 89". Press enter and you will have a wall

How to Make a Floor/Ceiling
Making a floor is almost identical to the instructions for making a wall. Instead, you will be selecting the upper left and lower right block on the floor/ceiling. Other than that, follow the same instructions/commands to make a wall.

How to Remove or Undo Your Work
To undo the previous command that you did, just simply type in //undo. To remove any work, select the positions of it, then type in //set 0. (0 is the ID for air).

How to Make a Shape
With world edit you can make cylinders, spheres, and pyramids but Snapcraft lets you make cylinders and pyramids. For the pyramid, type in //pyramid (block) (size). For the cylinder, you will need to put 2 sizes. //cyl (block) (radius) (height). To make an oval-style cylinder, you can put 2 radius separated with a comma.

Variants of a Block
Many blocks have variants like wool, clay, wood, etc. We'll use wool as an example. Regular (white) wool has an ID of 35. The other colors' ID starts out as 35 then have a number after that. Orange wool's ID would be 35:1, magenta is 35:2, and so on. So when you are setting blocks, start out with the ID of the regular/default block, then add a colon with the number of the variant. Look in More Information to see an easy way to find these IDs.

Advanced Commands
How to Make a Room
There are two different commands to make a whole room. The first is //walls (block). Select the region (tallest block and lowest block diagonal from the tallest one) and type in the command. This will give you four walls connecting to make a room. //faces is different though. It will give you four walls, but it will also add 2 faces/sides which are the ceiling and the floor.

How to Set More Than One Block
You can set more than more block with whatever command your doing. All you have to do is separate the additional blocks with a comma (make sure you don't use spaces). For example "//walls diamond,169,stone"

Selecting a Region Without a Wand
There are two ways to select a region without a wand. The first way is by using //pos1 and //pos2. Stand on the first block (or in the air) and type in //pos1. The first position will be set to where you are standing. Then do //pos2. After that you can type in your command. You can also use //hpos1 and //hpos2. The difference is that the position will be set to the block you are looking at rather than the block you are standing on.

More Information/Extra Stuff

  • //calc answers a math problem
  • There are tons of websites that show you the IDs for blocks but there is a command so that when you hover over an item in your inventory it shows you the ID which is pressing F3 and H
  • There are many other commands but I just put the ones that Snapcraft allows you to do.
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Tree Puncher
Super helpful <3