Prison Guide - Old

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Iron Miner
Welcome to Snapcraft Prisons!

Snapcraft Prisons is a gamemode where players are stuck in a prison and have to escape it!

Simply put, players need to mine to get money to rank up and break free. Each rank has a unique mine consisting of different ores and blocks, after mining these you go back and sell what you’ve mined to the NPC “Sell All”. Everyone starts off as Rank A, by using your money you can rank up to a higher rank. You can keep doing this until you reach the highest rank and “break free” into the survival world collecting rare items! There are many upgrades you along the way that can help you earn more money, one of which are pickaxe upgrades. Scamming will be allowed prisons with the expection of IRL deals & /ah scamming.

Useful Commands;

Teleports you to the your highest ranked mine (GUI interface displayed).

/kit starter
Gives you a kit with food and a basic diamond pickaxe. This is great to get you started. It includes Iron Armour. This kit has a 100min cooldown.

/rankup (also /ru)
When you have enough money to reach the next rank, use this command to rankup. The price of ranking up greatly increases the higher your rank is.

This command sells all the blocks in your inventory to the shop, it will not sell anything not available in that mine (eg, pickaxes, food, swords). This command must be used outside of a mine(in a 5 block radius of the NPC.

Gives you direct access to the shop where you can buy items which may not be available (like hoppers)

/bal (and /baltop)
Use this to check the balance of other players, or the richest players on the server.

This will give you all the possible ranks and upgrade to not only prison but all of Snapcraft’s servers. Use this if you want to get cool stuff ;-)

This will transfer money from your account to whoever you want to pay. Must be typed again for confirmation.

Use this to access the auction house where you can sell and buy goods from other players. It costs $50 to put anything on the auction house. Use /ah sell [price] to sell your items.

This will give you the exact ID of any item you are holding, this becomes useful later in the game with different crate keys and tokens.

Teleports you to spawn, behind spawn there is a chance sign where you can win or lose money depending on your luck!

Displays GUI of custom enchants. Use /te to see how many tokens you have, every 250 blocks broken= 5 tokens.

Crates and Crate Keys
Crates can be opened by crate keys. Some crate keys can be received by mining and killing the mine zombies. They usually drop common keys. Uncommon keys can also be dropped but have a smaller chance. Vote keys are received with either a vote party or by voting. Rare keys can be received through Vote Keys. Legendary keys are the icing of the bunch offering only the best items and money but come at a small premium. Legendary Keys are extremely popular (and worth it, but can only be bought online).

Zodor and Odor
Zodor and Odor are bosses which drop crate keys once killed. These crate keys give high level chanted gear like efficiency 8 pickaxes and protection 6 armour. To enter the zodor dungeon you need a Cryptic PVP Token, and to enter the odor dungeon you need Cryptic Token A. Cryptic PVP Tokens are mined from the PVP mine while Cryptic Token A’s are mined from mine a. In each mine, per reset there are 2 blocks with these tokens (in the entire mine). They are very rare.

PVP Gear= Zodor → Cryptic PVP Token → PVP Mine
Pickaxes= Odor → Cryptic Token A → Mine A

/warp pvp

Teleports you to the PVP mine, here you can find rare blocks like diamonds. You can sell your items on top in the center of the mine, but beware! Other players can kill you while you mine and sell blocks. Custom enchants can help you out but proceed with caution!

Custom Enchants
Custom enchants are a key part of prisons and they can seriously help you at both earning money and getting kills. To use custom enchants type /enchant .You will need tokens to enchant which you get from mining (5 tokens every 250 blocks) Custom enchants are popularly broken down into 2 subcategories; mining, and pvp. I will mention some of the more popular enchants.

Unbreaking- Decreases the chance of your pickaxe breaking. Very useful at any level with any pickaxe.

Haste/Efficiency- Pair these 2 for instant breaking at lower efficiency levels. Commonly used to maximise token/mine speed.

Fortune- The highest levels of fortune give much more blocks. It is always a good idea to use tokens on Fortune IV.

Slicing- Will remove 1 layer off any mine. This is one of the most popular enchants. It has a 5 minute cooldown and upgrading it beyond Slicing 1 gives little to no benefits. Any player looking to grind should consider this.

Ore Seeker- Receive all the ores in a certain radius of the ore you just mined. The higher the ore seeker the more the radius. This has a 90s cooldown and is used by expert grinders. Beware this enchant gives little to no benefit at lower level mines.

Sentimental- This allows you to keep the item when you die, this is useful when your armour has additional custom enchants on it.

Blindness- Blinds the enemy for a given time making them less useful in large battles.

Slowness/Frozen- This slows the enemy and is commonly paired with blindness to completely immobilize your enemy.

Toxic/Poison- This is used to slowly reduce your enemy’s health and their ability to flee. This is commonly countered with Notch apples, but that comes at a premium.

Protection/Unbreaking- Very high protection (protection 6/7) will be very fast and will need to be paired with higher levels of unbreaking to be useful in a fight, especially with axe’s.

/warp (A-Z then Prestige/Free)

Use this command to go to the mine you want. You rankup to unlock a mines, and can access any prior unlocked mine.

/warp donate
Gives you an overview of the ranks and perks with each donator rank. (Boss rank is the best)

/warp enchant
Use this when you want to enchant items (or use token enchants). You will need to buy lapis.

/warp smelt
Use this to smelt blocks you have mined. Make sure nobody is in the same room as you because they might take your stuff!

/warp plots
Teleports you to the plot world. You need to be Rank E or above to claim a plot.

/warp crates
Use this when you want to open to open crate keys, similar to /spawn

Gang helps you work together and create an empire within the prison, you can fight together against enemies and help each other out with gang money! Level up your gang and be the best.

/gang help
Gives you a list of commands you can use with gangs.

/g create (/g disband)
This command will create a gang, and can be used by the leader to disband it

/g list
This will show you all the existing gangs

/g top (kills/deaths/kdr)
Sorts these gangs out by highest level.

/g info [gang]
This command will give you information about your gang, and other gangs, this can be used to check balance, online players and their kill death ratio.

/g join (/g leave)
Use this when you want to join, and leave a gang respectively.

/g invite (/g uninvite)
Use this when you want invite and uninvite players to a gang, respectively.

/g kick [player]
Forcefully kicks a player from your gang (this can only be done by the leader)

/g levelup
Increases the level of your gang, however it costs more money each time.

/g deposit [amount] (/g withdraw [amount])
Adds and removes value to your gang balance, this is used to level up your gang.

/g promote [player] (/g demote [player])
Promotes/Demotes player to a higher/lower rank. When a player is promoted, they can invite players into the gang, withdraw and deposit money. Newbie -> Rookie -> Veteran -> Officer

Enables gang chat, talk between your gang members only

In the plot world, players can buy/sell and interact with other players plots. With this you can create your own ‘Player Shop’. A player needs to be Rank E or above to claim a plot. The command /iinfo can be used to buy or sell unique items (eg. legendary crate keys).

Other Income

Commonly used in most server, this can be a way of grinding extra levels to give you an edge in PVP, Farming and other aspects of the game.

Spawners can give a steady source of income but quickly become cost ineffective against custom enchanted pickaxes. They can be used for grinding MCMMO.

--New Prison Commands Update--

  • /itemfilter allows you to filter what items you pick up when you have this enabled.
  • /block creates blocks out of all diamonds, ingots, redstone dust etc.
  • /p h is a short version for /plot home

Prisoner! Good luck and good fortune to you! We'll see you on the outside!

If you have any further questions about Prisons, any bugs, glitches, player reports, you name it! Please create a support ticket at and we will help you with your issue.
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Stone Miner
This is so helpful, I didn't even know half these commands existed.

Is it every 200 blocks = 5 tokens or every 250 blocks = 5 tokens though?


Staff member
Woot woot Arcyboy.


Blaze Estinguisher
Wow, this is so helpful.
I think there should have been adding guild command board in Prison Spawn?


Gold Miner
Thank you arc :)


First Step
Can you not add a book to an already enchanted object such as a sword? I had an enchanted sword and tried to add more to the sword with a book. It would not let nor could I add to other things like armour.


Iron Miner
Depends on the kind of enchants. Add an image of the book and sword or write down both of those items' enchants if you can.


Staff member
Can you not add a book to an already enchanted object such as a sword? I had an enchanted sword and tried to add more to the sword with a book. It would not let nor could I add to other things like armour.
If you're trying to add like Smite V to a Sharpness V sword or a Blast Protection book on a Protection armour piece then no it will not work.
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