My Staff Application - CentralHax [Helper]

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First Step
Hello, Dear Admins,Owners, All the staff:

I am willing to become a Helper. I will stay online and play this server

Why: I want to be helper?

Well thats a good question, I want to be helper because I play 1 - 6 hours a day and when people bypass the filter I'll give them a warning, and it shouldn't even be 2 warnings it should be 1 warning because in live their is no such thing as a second chance, what I mean is that you accept the first warning and don't do the bad thing you did again and listen the first time. I also want to be a helper because I love to help people and helping is my favorite thing to do most of the time. When most staff/helpers aren't online I'd be online most of the time and I am proud of this server. When staff are not online and I am the only one online people most likely [Bypass Filter] and disrespect other people. I won't be rude and I'll promise. I'll be welcoming to other players who joined and give advice who those that need help. If others are hacking I'll make sure that they get either banned/warned. I'll be extra nice, those who go above 3 warnings I'll be strict and give them either a mute/ban.
Even though I got muted about 3 times I will be nice not rude, and give's me hope to help other players when they need help.

My Key Words are:

Age: 17
Time and Date : October 28, 2017, Time - 7:07
In Game Username: CentralHax
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