Ruined Food


Zombie Killer
Ok, so... I was hanging out with a friend, out at a mall. I offered him one of my fries, I mean, one of THESE.


Anyways, HE DENIED IT. He said he didn't like them, which was a big to me because who doesn't like fries. He went on to tell me a story that his uncle came home with some, and dropped them (as a joke) into his fav food which totally ruined it. From that day forth he said that he hated them. Anyways, I was wondering, what is the worst thing a person has done to ruin your food. For me.. I ruined my own food. Making my fav(two stories in a row about fav foods ruined .-.), I had to double the recipe, but I doubled everything right... except for one thing. The amazing sauce that tops it all. I tripled the garlic... I swear the second I took that food out of the oven, every vampire in the world must have died because of how strong the smell was. xD