To the people who want more than one home...


Stone Miner
This is a trick I discovered which you may or may not know but basically it allows you to have two homes without a rank. To be more specific, it allows you to use do a version of the /back without actually having access to the command. Here's how it works:
  • Set a home to an area you want to return to (Let's call it Area A)
  • Go to the place you want to set your /back command at (Area 8-)
  • Do /home
When you have typed /home, it should give you 2 seconds before the teleport actually happens. During these 2 seconds, quickly type /sethome. You should still teleport to Area A but your new home is set at Area B. I don't know if this is an actual function in the game but it is there and I utilized it during the time before I received my rank. It is extremely helpful for back-and-forth trips (i.e. from your storage to building site) and if you didn't know this, try it out.


Void Walker
Well this actually works. But if you are too late to do /sethome, then you lost your area/build.