Should a Mute Bypass be grounds for a Ban?

Should a Mute Bypass be grounds for a Ban?

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First Step
I was recently perm banned for the 49483th time on Snapcraft, and it was because of a "Mute Bypass". Is bypassing a 6 hour mute on this server really something that should be against the rules? If you are bypassing a mute to say offensive or hurtful things then I believe a ban is acceptable and should happen. But, if you are bypassing the mute to communicate with other players and contribute to the server community in a positive way, you are not accomplishing anything other than taking someone's fun away. Server rules are always a touchy topic and I have been on this server for a good 2 years and I always get annoyed when players or myself are banned for things this small.


Stone Miner
Its Unfair that people have to flood snap craft with toxicity and inappropriate content so I will Gladly say you deserved it. Bypassing that many times you should have learned your lesson but if you haven't you deserve to be perm muted then perm banned


Creeper Hugger
Yes it should be. If you are muted then you don't find other ways to get around your mute, you appeal or wait it out.


Void Walker
If you do something wrong, you get a punishment. But you might not like what has happened to you, but one day you will look back at this and realize of what wrong doings you have done.


Staff member
Bypassing anything will receive in another punishment or a lengthened ban/mute depending on what you do. Each time the punishment gets longer and ends up as perm.


Emerald Miner
Rule will not change.

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