Ban Appeal from the loved player Mafia_Electric (Meant for DaPolarBear)

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First Step
Hello, I'm Mafia_Electric, some might know me as MafianaM127. This appeal is generally for my the staff member, DaPolarBear. You have muted, and banned, me for publicly speaking my opinion towards some of the players and staff that were currently on the kitpvp server. You never actually gave a reason for why I was muted. I can understand why I was banned, but the muting part. I did bypass the mute to ask that question, which is why I was banned. I find it quite intriguing why you're silencing players who seem to call out your server, especially players who've been on snapcraft for a good amount of time. Now, I won't say, "I'm an OG", cause I only joined one or two years ago. I'm applying for this appeal because I believe I was falsely banned and muted. I was not given any warnings before this, and I've only been punished once on the server. So, I feel like this is a personal attack from the time I have argued with you. You seemed heated when I debunked a majority of the staff on snap. If you want player like me to go away, you can try increasing staff activity. I would also recommend hiring staff who are more qualified to know when there is a hacker. A good amount of the staff ignore the players, which has led to players like me, the more toxic kind, to invade. With no staff shutting any of them down, it just gets worse and worse. I also have heard how staff will sometimes ignore "reports". You could maybe dedicate some staff to reading reports and replying to the community. But, I know that can be quite hard. So, I would start by asking some of the new staff applicants to read them and determine a response. And for my final statement, I was told how "sad" it is for me to be speaking ill of the owner, even though I don't "know him". I would like for any staff seeing this, that I determine what an owner is like from how well the staff are trained, how well the server is going, the diversity of games, the community, and the server as a whole. If you can't tell from what I've said in this entire essay, I blame the Owner for this. I feel the admins, like Jedz, Jaine, or Polar, should talk to him personally about the server, or any staff for that matter. Don't take any excuse for an answer. Try telling him he needs to get on and deal with the staff and help improve the server. Finding a developer isn't as hard as you say it is. There are multiple discord servers with developers looking to be hired, I think you're just being lazy or cheap. Finally, this is my ban appeal and ideas for the server. I hope you think about some of the things said here, cause a majority of it came from long time players.
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