How-To-Factions [UN-OFFICIAL]


Zombie Killer
Snapcraft Factions

Basic Information
Welcome to factions, a Factions server consists of players having a group or a team, called a faction. To create your very own Faction, type /f create. You can invite some to your Faction by doing /f inv {Player}.

To claim land for your Faction type /f claim 1 this will claim one chunk of land, which is 16x16 blocks bedrock level to sky limit. claiming your land will prevent other factons from destroying your territory via tools. To set a home for your faction which other members can access Type /f sethome. Players can teleport to this by typing /f home, the home has to be set in the own Faction territory.

To promote a player in your Faction, type /f mod [player]. To Delete your Faction type /f disband. To unclaim all your Factions land do /f unclaimall.

To check your power type /f power.
The max power you can have is 20 and the least is -20 for one individual player the higher the power your Faction has the more land you can claim, but if your Faction has more land than power you could get overclaimed. To check who's n the Faction or check the power of others using /f who [player] /f who [faction].

Basic Commands

To set a home /sethome for donators /sethome [name]. To Delete a home /delhome For donators /delhome [name].

/warps List available warps-
/warp spawn
/warp crates
/warp grinder
/warp end
/warp nether
/warp PVP
/warp help

/setwarp creates a warp.

/ah Lists the auction house
/ah sell [amount]- Sells the item you're holding
/ah selling- View the items you're selling
/ah expired- View your expired items to return

/f help- List with all the relevant Factions commands.

/kit- Shows available kits.
/bal- Shows your own balance.
/tpa [Player]- Sends a teleport request to a certain player.
/pay [player] [Amount]- Pays a specific player.
/mcstats- Shows your mcMMO stats and XP.
/mctop- Lists top players overall mcMMO.
/mcrank- Shows your position rank in each mcMMO.
/inspect [Name]- inspects a players mcMMO statstics.

/ts- Toggles personal scoreboard.
/party create [Name]- Creates a party.
/party invite [Player]- Invites a player to your party.
/party kick [Player]- Kicks a player from your party.
/msg [Player]- Private Message /r Reply to a message
/f c- Switches between public, factions and alliance chat

miscellaneous Commands

/koth- shows available Koth commands.
/koth list- Shows all available Koths.
/koth loot- Shows the loot for the upcoming koth.
/koth ignore- Toggles the Koth messages.

/enchant- brings up the GUI for enchanting gear and items.
/f top- Shows top factions.
/warp reaper- Warps you to the reaper arena.
/mcnotify- Toggles off mcMMO messages ''Enemy bleeding''
/pc- Toggles party chat if you have one.
/back- For donators, Teleports you back to where you were
/warp Outpost1- 25% for a Koth to spawn here.
/warp Outpost2- 25% for a Koth to spawn here.
/warp Outpost3- 25% for a Koth to spawn here.
/warp Outpost4- 25% for a Koth to spawn here.




Void Walker
Awesome! This will be useful when I forget some mechanics to play factions.


Zombie Killer
Thank y'all but if anyone has a problem because there already is 1 i'm just saying that it was made because factions was reset and I wanted to add a few new commands <3