Why Prestige1 isn't worth it.


Iron Miner
I'm in prestige1 and It is worthless for the most part. It has the same percentages, the same blocks, but slightly better prices (which I'll get to in one moment) as Z. Prestige2 however has a 45x45 sized mine instead of the 35x35 that Z/pres1 have as well as better prices. Prestige3 is like Z/pres1 in comparison to Pres2, meaning all it has is better prices. So why did I put off talking about prices till the end? Well in the early days of Becto/Snapcraft prisons (I grew up playing Becto xD) everyone sold in their respective mines and made money. But then some people realized they could make profit shops that essentially buy blocks from lower people and sell them at higher prices resulting in two way profit. Well when 2x Boss/God multipliers were added and people got higher mines... meaning lower mine prices didn't matter anymore. So Pres1 made since back then to have better prices because peoples shops made more money but now there are Pres2x2 and (Even Pres2.2/Pres3x1.9) shops now which makes all of the lower mines including pres1 prices useless. In fact all pres2s that don't have Boss sell to people like Pandaaaaa Doom125, AgentIllusion73 and Kcin2s VIP shop. Sorry for going on a tangent there but I felt like so many people would like to know if pres1 is worth it and it really isn't anymore, something even more crazy thing is pres3 is useless unless you have Boss. Something I would like to see added is a slight diamond/emerald percentage increase in pres1/2/3 to make the ranks more worth it.

Best Regards,


Gold Miner
pFET, I understand where you are coming from. This sort of economy doesn't seem to benefit the lower class but greatly benefits the higher class. That's capitalism for you. People have been able to get up to prestige 2 and 3 and were in the same position as you before. Now they are in the higher class, they worked hard to get way up there. In order for you to succeed in prisons you need to be playing a lot to achieve that higher ranking and profit just as well as the people who preyed on your items for their success. Good luck.


Diamond Miner
The prestige ranks are meant to be a challenge and way of keeping prisons a more fun environment for longer. It’s meant to be a challenge and grind to achieve the prestiges. Donor perks are their for those who chose to make the game easier or support the server and gain benefits.

Of course you may suggest changes to the owner, but I doubt this will change to be honest. The prices could vary in a future reset if one is to occur, but that would be up to the Owner.


First Step
Unless you have boss you're basically a lower class anyways, Ihave to rely on pres 2.2x2 shops that have to be cleared and sometimes that just doesn't happen, but anyone pres 2+ has been where you are. Is pres 1 technically worth it? No, however, you have to remember, fewer people will be in pres 1, letting you not have to deal with as many people tearing the mine up with oreseeker or explosive. This reply is prob a little late, but I don't get on the forums much.


Zombie Killer
i hate being stuck at 15b on pres 1


Iron Miner
I'll get some screenshots and statistics (size, percentage, and prices), of Z/p1 for reference for you guys later.
Meanwhile you can bask in the glory of prestige2 mine. Which is 50x50 blocks wide/long, 25% stone ($60), 10% quartz ($375), 25% redstone block ($380), 25% diamond block ($6,000), and 15% emerald block ($10,500).

Best Regards,


Zombie Killer
I'll get some screenshots and statistics (size, percentage, and prices), of Z/p1 for reference for you guys later.View attachment 6017 Meanwhile you can bask in the glory of prestige2 mine. Which is 50x50 blocks wide/long, 25% stone ($60), 10% quartz ($375), 25% redstone block ($380), 25% diamond block ($6,000), and 15% emerald block ($10,500).

Best Regards,

darn 100b i find it hard to make 25b lmfao