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Gold Miner
All rules for snapcraft are linked here

Player Reporting:
When reporting a player, make sure you have the right amout of evidence and make sure you report in the right place, on the discord or on the forums, make sure you do /staff and see if any are online before you head to the discord.
Where to report?:
To make a player report click here, MASSIVE REMINDER: Change the department to the correct option

Friends: (NOTE: the friend's plugin does NOT work on the survival server because it crashes the server)
/friend: Opens the friend manager GUI
/friend add <playerName>: Send a friend request to a player
/friend remove <playerName>: Removes a friend

/vote: shows you the voting links
/topvotes <page>: shows the top voters of the month

How to get the [Member] rank in game:

To get the [Member] rank in game, all you have to do is /link in chat and you will need to open your chat and click on the link, that link should take you to do a log-in or signup page for the snapcraft forums, log-in or signup for an account to get your [Member] rank, keep in mind once you have logged in, your [Member] rank can take up to 24hours to apply.

/fmsg <playername> <msg>: Messages a friend, can be across servers
/fr <msg>: Replies to the last friend message, can be across servers
/msg <playername> <msg>: Message a player, must be on the same server
/r: Reply to the last message, must be on the same server
/ignore <playerName>: Ignores messages/chats from this player

Internet testing:
/tps: Measures the servers ping, (if around 6-8 contact staff asap, check /staff first)
/ping: Measures your ping, the lower the better. around 50 is good.

/plot i: Show plot information
/plot claim: Claim an unclaimed plot
/plot auto: Claim the next available plot
/pc: Toggle plot chat.
/pwarp: Opens plot warp GUI
/pwarp set: Creates a plot warp
/plot tp <plotNumber>: Teleport to plot, plot number is optional. By default, you are taken to your first plot

/home: Teleport home
/tpa <playerName>: Send a teleport request to player
/plot tp <plotNumber>: Teleport to plot, plot number is optional. by default, you are taken to your first plot.
/warp <warpID>: Teleports you to the specified warp
/server: opens the server GUI

/bal: shows your balance
/bal <player>: shows player balance
/pay <player> <amount>: sends an amount of money to the player.

Survival Sponge Commands:
/ps help: shows a list of commands
/ps hide/unhide: shows and hides your sponge
/ps trust: people trusted can, open doors, use trapdoors, use pressure plates (they cannot take your items or destroy your builds)
/ps add: to give them FULL access to your region (they can steal from you)
/ps togglepvp: turns pvp on/off

Server Unique:

/whereami: see what server you are on
/vote: Get voting links
/rewards: Opens the rewards GUI
/gems: Shows how many gems you have
/adlink: Gets a link for you to earn gems
/ts: Toggle scoreboard (removes the scoreboard, hint: this is to the right side of your screen)
/staff: Lists all staff online and what server they are on.

If you have lost your rank:
email [email protected] include your ign and your proof of purchase

Need more help?:
Join the discord and format your help request in staff-help
@staff <problem>
Disclaimer! Only use staff help when a staff member needs to help you! Do not flood staff-help chat with messages. It is not helpful.

Keep in mind this is an updated version, and I was helped by Au5

(this will be updated consistently)
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