My introduction


First Step
What is my IGN:My IGN is 255NUKEYOU

What's my age: 15

What are my interests: Gaming(Obv) Weekly Jogging, Working out, And having fun with my friends and family.

How long have I played MC: Since 2013-14 I've loved it my whole life.

What are my strengths: I love helping people, I love being super social, I'm homeschooled so I can be on 90% of the time.

What are my weaknesses: Well, to start off with. I have two major illnesses which out of the two, one is a permanent life long one. And the second, we're working on healing atm. I also have some anger issues, which I've gotten way better control over since I was first diagnosed with it. But sometimes, when somebody really gets under my skin, I just lose it. My other weakness is that I also am diagnosed with migraines so, when there's too much noise or things get way to sensitive for my head, I tend to get a mild headache, one-twice a month tho, I do get serve headaches.

About me: I'm a generally shaped 15 Y/O and I love being social & helpful with people, I honestly love chatting with people & making friends, I also suffer from some illnesses but other then that, I'm a happy go lucky, teen.


Emerald Miner
welcome to the forums! :)


Staff member