Templar Pvs


Tree Puncher
So how exactly do templar pvs work? If ur not in combat and in ur pv and someone hits you does ur pv auto close? And if it does what ever ur holding does it drop? Also Is it possible for you to make pvs only useable at spawn so it’s more fair. By adding pvs made the server way more p2w which I hate


Tree Puncher
So how exactly do templar pvs work? If ur not in combat and in ur pv and someone hits you does ur pv auto close? And if it does what ever ur holding does it drop? Also Is it possible for you to make pvs only useable at spawn so it’s more fair. By adding pvs made the server way more p2w which I hate

Why does it make it more p2w you dont get a huge pvp advatge over peopel


Staff member
Then /pv 1 would be rather useless if u cant use it in the arena, just my opinion.


Iron Miner
You mean /pv 1 on kitpvp works in combat? ...What?

I don't know much about the new rank, so If I assume that the pv has 54 spaces and is accesible in combat, it is obviously much more pay to win.

That means you can bring a total of 20 or 21 sets of armor with the pv, when you can only bring about 7 without one.

I don't play kitpvp anymore due to all the hackusations and toxicity, but I still want to know how /pv works on kitpvp.


Tree Puncher
How would it be useless? It doubles your storage on a limited storage server. Being able to you use it in the arena will make a way for people to just store floor loot. Which is honestly dumb.


Tree Puncher
/pv 1 isn't allowed in the pvp arena at all even if you're in combat. So it isn't that op it just acts as extra storage in spawn instead of a larger echest.