F Top calculations


Void Walker
A few questions/suggestions that I and many of my friends in factions have:
What are the f top value assignments to sponge/obby/hoppers/beacons as well as all of the spawners?
Would it be possible to reassign f top values differently for spawners since it seems sponge is incredibly valuable on f top compared to IG spawners (which sell for 2 mil or so) or silverfish spawners (which there are only 5 total and impossible to gain; on some factions servers these have millions in f top since they have no drops and can only be found in the few end portals)
Rebalancing farming and /shop values— beacons at 1.2 mil are incredibly expensive compared to their relatively small f top worth and the price differences between cactus and netherwart as well as mob drops and afk drops is notable— netherwart/mob grinding requires farming/grinding by hand whereas cactus is afk. I think most people would agree that active playing like reaper/surtur/ and manual farming should be rewarded more than afk farming.