What's your opinion?...


Iron Miner
While you're playing on this server, with your amazing rank that you bought it yourself,
You get ip-banned for fraud, and it's perm-banned.
When you know you did not chargeback, but staff don't believe you.

What would you do?...
Please comment down below.

(My experience)
I've been confusing for years, to try understand how I got banned for fraud when I don't chargeback.
They showed me the receipt of purchases, and the chargeback price was in another country (EU). But I lived in US. It just makes no sense of how they think it was my fault. Once I appealed, they charge me $300 for unban.


Staff member
You accepted the terms and condition upon buying an item/rank, they still stand when trading. If you have proof of the trade with the person who might've charged back then you can submit that.


Stone Miner
If you did not "chargeback". Do a charge back. Move on to another server and let it go. If you did do a charge back you violated the terms you agreed to. Seems pretty straightforward to me.