Youtube Intros!


Gold Miner
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Gold Miner
there really cool well done you have some future talent there:-Pmy facourite is the second to last :-P and it would be realy nice of you to
to make me one ik tht you play snapcraft so i can play you some in-game money ??


Obsidian Miner
That is really cool! But the boring things about most intros it that is always has that dubstep or kind of electro music and their name shows up. Not really creative (goes with almost everyone).


Iron Miner
Well to show their name is the reason for the intros :-P
but trying other genres of music could be cool


Void Walker
I'm going to try making my own intro in Blender, because I'd like to learn some simple animation...

But the thing is, I looked up a tutorial, and you basically just type in whatever name you like (Blender etc. acts like you're just typing a 3D word file, it seems like). It's stupidly easy in Blender, and probably not hard in the other programs either. But still, nice intros.


Void Walker
Vicky wants to see something other than just a popping up 3d name, something more creative than that. I agree \o/


Iron Miner
Ok yeah i understand :-P even tho its just a poping up 3d name i think its is creative because its amost always a different song and the name flows with the bass drop but thats me :-D


Void Walker
Ok yeah i understand :-P even tho its just a poping up 3d name i think its is creative because its amost always a different song and the name flows with the bass drop but thats me :-D

Yeah, but that's the thing! They're all names dropping down or rocking out to some dubby music. No big variety.


Obsidian Miner
IAM is exactly right. It usually always has the SAME genre music, and that SAME 3D pop-up name and that SAME layout... and... SAME type of intro! Something more creative like maybe you (in MC) doing something, like mining, killing etc. Be more original and creative :-P