Leaving For A Bit.


Skeleton Slayer
Lemme get this strait. Bas, Marteen, this is an epic server, no matter what anybody says. I have decided to take a break for a little while, not like a LONG time, just maybe 3/5 weeks at the most. I love this server so much and everybody on it. Barley during this time i will come on. I have been getting bored, not with sc just the whole internet. I personally feel like i need a break.

Thanks, Miles

P.S. I'm not leaving for good, as said in this thing ^


Obsidian Miner
Cya later :-P. Agreed ^^^ it is a good idea to take a break sometimes, even for anything. Especially games, huh? Enjoy your break!


Void Walker
Bye, Miles! I feel like I could use a break too, but I'm not sure playing Destiny for a month would be healthy. Game day every day :/