No Sleep...


Zombie Killer
Hey, I need some help. I have trouble sleeping, it's about 1am right now for me and I still can't sleep. Please put some cool ways to sleep down below! Also it is not just a 1 day thing, it happens everyday :'(. PLUZ HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Staff member
Same here. 2am right now, I always stay up until 3am most of the time (unwanted of course). I've had Insomnia in the past, but I still have issues to sleep.


Zombie Killer
You're asking people with the same problem xd
My motto is:
Sleep is for the weak or sleep for a week.


Stone Miner
@Cookie I gotchu <3


Have this instead:


Creeper Hugger
If I have to go to sleep for an early wake up, I would try...

  1. sleeping in a different sleeping position
  2. drink milk (I usually don't :-P but I've heard that it helps)
  3. think of things that bore me
  4. count numbers
  5. listen to calming, relaxing music
  6. avoid looking at the time
And if all that fails, I'd watch YouTube or something. Or until I fall asleep.


Gold Miner
You need to be not on your phone or watching tv for like 30 minutes before your brain actually relaxes and you fall asleep naturally.


If I have to go to sleep for an early wake up, I would try...

  1. sleeping in a different sleeping position
  2. drink milk (I usually don't :-P but I've heard that it helps)
  3. think of things that bore me
  4. count numbers
  5. listen to calming, relaxing music
  6. avoid looking at the time
And if all that fails, I'd watch YouTube or something. Or until I fall asleep.
Or Netflix...


Obsidian Miner
1) Make yourself tired. Sometimes, I risk a few hours of a screen, with the lowest brightness settings, until my eyes die.
2) Sleepy music - extremely popular, if you haven't noticed.
3) Don't force yourself to sleep. This literally makes you stay up more.
4) I know most people don't do this anymore (i cri) but, read before sleeping. I usually do this.
5) Get comfortable - sleep in a position that makes you comfortable and sleepy.
6) Don't search up how to sleep faster - all of them at least lists: 'don't use technology' or anything related; yet, you're probably doing it right now.
7) Relax/Stretch/Exercise - Pretty simple
8 ) If this a serious thing, sleeping pills and other stuff can help.
(9) Get off your phone right now, and stop questioning why you're up at 1 AM)


Creeper Hugger


Void Walker
Seriously though, if it's a constant problem and gets in your way, you should probably get some help.