A little about me :/


First Step
Hai, My name is Mars

I'm not a boy....for those who thinks I am. Im 00 years old, I've been playing snapcraft for a couple of months now mainly on eg (cash me on eg howbow dat) I play everyday tbh. I have a Sugar-honey-ice-tea load of friends (if u r smart u would've caught that :-P) I usually troll on the eg lobbies with the small amount of people. Not gonna lie, but i do get called a hacker before to the point i wanted to download hacks to show ppl what hacks look like but that was when i was having hella dumb moments (October/something/2k16). I found out about this server just looking up random servers and this server had hella good ping levels lots of votes so i said it i'm joining to see whats gucci and i gotta say, Im actually happy that i found this server because i made new friends, my pvp skills gained, i can rekt ppl with 1 eye XD......like now >.> (punched in the eye in a MMA match) . welp that's all i'm gonna say about me



Staff member
Welcome :-D hope your eye heals soon xD.


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! xD


Staff member
Welcome, hope to see ya around on eg again c;