A-y Challenge!


Creeper Hugger
wow you have a deep cookie fetish


Void Walker
Ranting, yaaay!

A - If I'm in love.
Kinda sorta maybe. He knows ;-)

H - The last person I hugged.
I don't even know.. probably someone from marching band xD

I - The last time I felt jealous.
Every day I get jealous over small things (like the fact that my sister bought a cookie today at lunch).

J - Are you insecure. What about?
Haha, I'm always insecure. I tend to think that I look gross (as of late not so much because I got a good haircut, but yeah). Back in Kodiak I didn't feel that way because there was no social ordering, but here in Kentucky there definitely is. I've been insecure as of late about finding the job that I really want to do in the future. So far I've wanted to get a degree in show production from Full Sail University (would work well for question A above) and then work as a lighting intern for Actors Theatre of Louisville (I've been ushering there for 3 years and interning would be so cool). I've also wanted to get a degree in marine biology and work with animals at Sea World, and more like that. Go big or go home?

K - What my full name is.
Marina England.

L - If I have siblings.
I have a sister that's 5 minutes younger than myself and acts 5 years younger.

M - If I forgive betrayal.

Never been betrayed xD I would forgive someone if it was something small.

N - Favourite animal.
Ah, uh, not sure.. I really like killer whales.

O - Where would I like to travel.
Since I've been to every state in the United States, I really want to go travel around Europe (mostly Ireland and England, though). My family is scattered through the USA, but we have lots of roots from Europe. I'd also like to go stay on a Native American preservation for a while and learn how to live off of the land since I'm more Native American than anything.

P - What kind of music I like.
'Zombie pop' or however you'd like to describe Gorillaz. I like some dubstep songs too, but mainly mellow or classic rock songs.

Q - Favourite flower?
Never thought about that. Maybe bluebells. Or fireweed.

R - Is cheating ever ok?
Depends... If you're cheating on a test because you need to, then that's okay. If you're cheating on another person, then don't. Tell them that you're not interested in them any more, at least.

S - 2 habits.
Pacing in circles while waiting for something/ someone, grazing all day (not like a cow though).

T - 3 things I love unconditionally.
  1. My black Dean bass guitar
  2. 1967 black hardtop Chevy Impalas (and other oldies, but mainly '67 Impalas)
  3. Castiel (tee hee)
U - Favourite time of the year, and why.
Christmas/ holiday time, because I get presents and such from people on Christmas and then get more in January for my birthday. My only source of income.

V - Big dreams?
Uh, there are many out there. I'd like to become a Youtuber, voice act a bit, work at Blizzard Entertainment in California for 3D modeling, things like that. I'd love to dabble. There are some very specific things, though. I'd love to meet Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn and talk about Gorillaz with them, I would love to meet Derren Brown (he's my role model at this point), I would like to go to Yogtowers and say "Hi" to Duncan, Simon and the whole lot that work there.

What I ridiculously want to do is go usher for the Dracula show again at Actors Theatre, talk to the director (William McNulty) about why he changed some things between the Dracula book and his play adaptation, and talk to Marc Bovino (who's played Renfield in Dracula for the past 7 years). I've ushered for Dracula on both Sundays this month already, but I really, really love the show. We got fantastic seats for it in the second showing. I would usher for it a thousand times if I could. Marc is also acting in Fifth Third Bank's A Christmas Carol at Actors Theatre (which I'll be ushering for), so if I want to talk to him it'd probably be then.

W - If I've done something I regret very much.
Embarrassed myself (everyone's done that at some point). Ushering can become extremely regretful and embarrassing sometimes (for example, if I don't see someone holding a ticket in their hands, I'm not sure if they're a worker at Actors or someone heading to their seats. One time a man in a red sports shirt wandered in with only a piece of paper, and I fumbled around for a minute before he told me that he had a work order and was just checking some lights).

X - 3 turn ons
Funny, interesting, laid back

Y - 3 turn offs
'Popular', cares more about looking good than being good, hates Lord of the Rings. xD