About me - BrokthoStonehelm


Tree Puncher
Hi everybody!
This is BrokthoStonehelm! I am 20 years old and attending college. I like to play Minecraft, go camping, hiking, fishing, and do anything outdoorsy. I also study maps and have a fossil collection. My family and I have 2 horses, 3 dogs, 15 chickens, 4 turkeys, 10 ducks, and 2 fish tanks. My friends and I play Dungeons and Dragons and my character in that game is a dwarf by the name of Broktho Stonehelm, and that is where my Minecraft name comes from. I like having fun and playing with other people, and that is why I joined Snapcraft! Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope to meet a lot of awesome friends here!
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Skeleton Slayer
Welcome to the forums!


Emerald Miner
Welcome to the forums, young man. :)


Blaze Estinguisher
Welcome to the forums! xD We glad you join our amazing community. :)


Iron Miner
Welcome to the forums! I think you'll like it here. Everyone really seems to be pretty cool.