- Real Name: Camden
- IGN: Camdennn
- Current Age: 15
- Current Time-Zone: UTC-06:00
- What times are you available: Weekdays: 5pm-7pm (most of the time) And weekends, basically anytime unless I have something going. Not Sundays, 9am - 12pm.
- Why do you want to join the SnapCraft Build Team?: I love building, and love snapcraft!
- Have you ever been on any notable build teams?: I used to be on the hypixel build team!
- Have you ever been banned or muted?: No I have not.
- Examples of builds: I can give u an example when in game! I dont have any pictures.
- Anything else: I'm very good with YouTube channel art and stuff like that and editing if u ever need me to edit or do something for the SnapCraft YT channel! I am very intelligent, im 15 and I've already take the S.A.T and A.C.T and gotten pretty good scores. Thank you, and hope you let me join the build team.