Hi guys. I just got raided by some guy who tpa requested to me. He had the name of one of my friends. Even though he had the same name as my friend, he killed me. How can people nick themselves as other actual people?? That should NOT be allowed!!! That's basically like identity theft in real life. Not cool guys.
Like said above, it's bannable to pretend be staff and or relating to staff. Their is no rule in place though, that says you cannot pretend to be a player that is not a staff member.
I guess in all hope that your friend happened to a Staff and you recorded his actions. If you didn't... we'll um.... I am so sorry. :/
Now you did not make this specific in your message, but your thread question showed you wanted a vote to if this should be changed as a rule. I voted no, simply as their is nothing wrong with pretending to be another normal player. Staff impersonation is restricted mostly because of trickery(Stealing passwords, making threats, getting praise, etc).