Artemis Island is Recruiting.


First Step
Dear Players,

Artemis Island is an Island on Skyblock. We have an open community that allows players once accepted or cooped to join our little society. We have alot of ranks inside our Skyblock have a fully working Discord to present with our Island. We only ask to consider our Island as your new home. You could earn money by doing the job you love the most. Our jobs are categorized in certain factions:

- Alchemist
- Builder
- Redstoner
- Security Guard
- Farmer
- etc etc etc,

Every faction has its own leader. Its own Head of.. These are high tier members of our society who create the jobs and have helped create the entire island. It is a LARGE one and our Second Era has been busy for a while now.

In case you are interested in joining our fun community island on skyblock, Please leave a message stating your discord tag, IG Name and Age (Age doesn't really matter)

Thank you for reading,
MickaelWicked [Angel] [Skyblock]


First Step
We already have 12 active members working on the island me being the most active currently. But there are different timezones for everyone so anyone could be on working on the island. It is a LARGE island like very huge with enough space to fit a 50 players at least! It is a democratic island in the sense that the Head of Administration is monthly elected.