Cactus Farms - Non Entity Stacking

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First Step
Everyone's been complaining about cactus farms recently, including myself. I'm not sure why they aren't very efficient, however I believe I have an idea. I'm assuming its because of the entity stacking plugin which has cactus included in it. For example, if multiple cactus fall from different heights and places, they all end up stacking into one cactus entity that falls into the water below, if that new stack that freshly broke, carrying tons of cactus, falls onto another cactus on the way down and gets destroyed, I'm assuming all the cactus that was in that one cactus entity is now broken, which could be a decent amount of cactus. If this is how the cactus farms are working right now, would it be better to modify the plugin to allow the cactus entity to not allow stacking? Or would this cause to much lag on the server? Let me know what you guys think about this, and if I'm wrong with how cactus farms are working, please correct me. Thanks all! ~Reece


Gold Miner
Hi there!
You're correct in how the cactus farms are working, but it's also to do with leaving the chunks; if a stacked item is in an unloaded chunk, it currently becomes just the one item. Eg. 2304 cactus becomes 1 cactus if you /spawn then /back. It is the same on other servers such as Survival where iron ingots/poppies are stacking then becoming 1, rendering these farms a lot more inefficient as well.

I do think the plugin should be reworked in some way, to either prevent this or fix the unloading. With cactus, you're always going to get the loss of landing on another cactus, but for other farms, this would improve the efficiency.
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