Chapter 2 Of Once Upon A Time


Gold Miner
Since some people liked chapter 1.. I made chapter 2 :rolleyes:

Chapter 2: After bas quit being owner there was chaos again. Rebellions turned into their own factions or groups. People rose up to take place as staff in this chaotic world. Those heroes were.. Lozlpowzah,Alemence,Frijoler, and Yampy (ik i didn't include them all but you'll see). These heroes started from scratch and did anythign they could to bring order. These people were so destined for order they actually made a POTATO ARMY. This army was way more powerful than a-a-ron's dirt army. This army started to attack the possible threats to this server. On top of this, people started to worship these heroes. Then this guy named "bob" was all like "ima be dat". So he also rose up to the original heroes.

The potato army however was decreasing. The heroes forgot about the potatos and made a dead bush army. This army was undefeatable and badass. Nothing could get into it's way. Lonely bas was out in the badlands wondering. He noticed these heroes and took his place back in potato throne. But there were no more potatos left so he asked a dead bush " hey meng make a throne or sumtin". This server turned into something that was under control. Ranking systems were created and things took place. Untill a-a-ron was summoned... o_O