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Iron Miner
How about, instead of closing the thread without letting someone argue back, you stop closing everything acting like you win everything?
I said they WERE the reason why I quit. I didn't say "I'm gonna quit again". But then you were like, "How about you quit? Lemme fuck around with your anxiety and tell you to quit, as if you weren't told to quit enough things in life". I never said "I'm gonna quit because of you guys" but now the reason why I'm quitting is YOU. I hope you feel guilt about what you triggered. How mature of a Helper.


Creeper Hugger
Locking, don't need the flame on the public forums. (Note that there are children here)
Want to continue this with me? PM me in inbox please. Anymore of this ^^^ will result to further punishment.


Let me make that a 2 week forum ban as well. Good job. Good. Job.
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