Deaf Singer, Is Amazing


Zombie Killer
I recently was browsing for some new songs to add to my playlist and I found one with Mandy Harvey. She is mostly deaf and uses the vibrations in the floor to hear the beat and she trusts her vocal cords. The result is unbelievable.


Gold Miner
Whale whale, that's something you don't see every day...


Creeper Hugger
I literally watched her audition this morning, truly inspiring. :)


Gold Miner
I literally watched this right when I woke up this morning, what a coincidence. Its amazing that she is able to sing and do all these amazing things considering the fact that she is deaf.
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Blaze Estinguisher
Wow, that very nice! Know what? I am deaf. There many great deaf singers in the world. You should check some it out. Most of they use deaf's own language which was ASL (American Sign Language).

Check this out!
Rosa Lee -
Sean Forbes -

There have more too. I can't remember all. But this woman is new for me.

Feel free to message to me. You can ask me about deaf. I am willing to answer. :)