

Zombie Killer
So I wanna get a rank either on : survival or kitpvp. I have 100k of facs and I am willing to pay that for a rank. Exapmle. 75k for Elite


Gold Miner
You'll probably get scammed for the money, it happens all the time, so I wouldn't recommend doing this kind of deal with someone.


Iron Miner
To be honest I don't like this kind of deal :/ To me it seems like a last resort type of thing. Now it's perfectly acceptable expect for 3 problems.

1.The deal is to risky. It has a high possibility of failure and/or scam.

2. To me these deals are kinda of like begging and that can seem negative to people. Although because you put of a fair offer (better than anyone I've ever seen) You might get other people to be interested but personally I wouldn't do it.

3. This can have a huge impact on your reputation. Although this problem is for the people who do it repetitively. This is the first time I've seen it out of ya and you put of a decent offer and I'll give you that.

Overall for me, a deal of this magnitude is way to risky and questionable but if you want to do it go ahead.


Void Walker
I guess factions money is worth irl money or something... But when I went on and looked at this earlier I didn't even bother to post.

I don't know if it's just me, but it doesn't seem justifiable to pay for someone else's rank and then turn around and get money on a totally different server. And... I don't feel like game money transfers well into irl money. For me it would have to be a lot.


Zombie Killer
I guess factions money is worth irl money or something... But when I went on and looked at this earlier I didn't even bother to post.

I don't know if it's just me, but it doesn't seem justifiable to pay for someone else's rank and then turn around and get money on a totally different server. And... I don't feel like game money transfers well into irl money. For me it would have to be a lot.
So let's say u wanted to buy like 100k on facs. Well if u buy somone Warrior and they pay u 100k well your spending less money.


Iron Miner
So let's say u wanted to buy like 100k on facs. Well if u buy somone Warrior and they pay u 100k well your spending less money.
But then again who's to say they would spend money for it. Although if they are willing to buy 100k and they buy you whatever instead they will save money irl that's correct.


Void Walker
Right. I would buy someone Warrior if I was given that much money. But again, pricing.

9€ for Warrior on Kit and 45€ for 100k in Factions. I'm that honest kid in the corner who gets given a sponge because she helped a guy out, but doesn't want to take said sponge because she basically just gave some advice (you know who you are, j55 xD). Basically, even if you don't care about Factions any more, you should try getting something more out of it. You could get Knight for 20€ from someone, or VIP...

But now I get what you were trying to do earlier. Just isn't for me, because it was risky enough getting VIP for myself while trying to save money. Any other time I would definitely say sure, n get you at least one decent rank.


Zombie Killer
Right. I would buy someone Warrior if I was given that much money. But again, pricing.

9€ for Warrior on Kit and 45€ for 100k in Factions. I'm that honest kid in the corner who gets given a sponge because she helped a guy out, but doesn't want to take said sponge because she basically just gave some advice (you know who you are, j55 xD). Basically, even if you don't care about Factions any more, you should try getting something more out of it. You could get Knight for 20€ from someone, or VIP...

But now I get what you were trying to do earlier. Just isn't for me, because it was risky enough getting VIP for myself while trying to save money. Any other time I would definitely say sure, n get you at least one decent rank.
I could get the highest rank on everything. It's my strict parents :-P


Void Walker
Weeeell, you parents may not be as strict as you think... I never wanted to get money out of my account, or have a Paypal, or even save up my money... but my parents did all of that. I've come to realise that all you have to do is simply ask. And if they happen to say no, it's probably because the price is kind of excessive, or numerous other things... If that's the case, then I would start as a low rank and keep trying to rack up ranks slowly. Your parents won't exactly know that you're spending it all on one thing, but you have to make sure that you're willing to give up a ton of money for the server.


Zombie Killer
Weeeell, you parents may not be as strict as you think... I never wanted to get money out of my account, or have a Paypal, or even save up my money... but my parents did all of that. I've come to realise that all you have to do is simply ask. And if they happen to say no, it's probably because the price is kind of excessive, or numerous other things... If that's the case, then I would start as a low rank and keep trying to rack up ranks slowly. Your parents won't exactly know that you're spending it all on one thing, but you have to make sure that you're willing to give up a ton of money for the server.
The thing is I have heaps of money. It's what they say: 'Your not wasting money on a server when if they want to close it then it's a waste of money'. My response: 'What's the difference if I don't want to play a game anymore? I do it all the time so what's wrong with getting rank'. Hints why if anyone wants to buy money on facs I will pay them it in return for a rank under the price of buying 100k