Djeek2003 Hacking(with video link)

Looks wise which is better Gold or Chain mail armor

  • chain mail

  • gold

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Brendan Siblton

Newly Spawned
My first encounter with Djeek2003 was in the pit in the center of spawn and he jumped down had a gapple on so i couldnt kill him ofc then he is hitting me from a fair 6 block distance to where i couldn't touch him at all. Unfortunately i couldn't get video recording of that because i don't record all the time lol. He had killed me thru blocks such obvious kill aura and i lost my full set of p5(except for helmet) and an amazing sword i named every piece of the armor set "I want to die" and the sword is "Da' Ripper" i lost a set of p2 armor also which idc about and a set of p4 at the end during the video recording and i had to waste a gapple trying to record this guy. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. P.S. This was in factions.
Youtube link to the video of him hacking.

I found another video about this same guy also here's the link


Creeper Hugger
For future reference, report players here.
The player does not seem to be hacking; furthermore, please gather more evidence. Additionally, the second video you've provided is outdated and will not be counted as appropriate evidence.
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