Do you enjoy reading?


Gold Miner
Hello Snapcrafters!
It's been quite some time since I've picked up a book to read. Although I love reading, between work, personal projects, and maintaining a social life I've found it hard to find time to read. I just started reading Demons Don't Dream; it's very intriguing so far. The main character who's a 16 year old video game sceptic named dug, had a friend who suggested a bet, on a game; and whether or not he would like it. Long story short I'm on page 16 and, now the main character is inside of the computer game and things just got a whole lot more interesting. Not giving to many details as not to spoil, for any potential readers.

Are you currently reading anything? What are your favorite classics? And most importantly do you enjoy reading?
I know I do, and I am beyond glad to have picked up a book today, after so long. Thank you for reading and happy holidays! <("):present::santa:


Staff member
I hate reading but I want to read all the Harry potter books as I'm becoming a hardcore fan rn.


Staff member
I rarely enjoy reading books nowadays since I’m dyslexic and it takes me years to finish one xd