Evolved Applications


First Step
So as some of you know the guild Evolved was created not to long ago. In our guild we make huge farms. We so far, have built, over about a week. A huge sugar cane farm. This sugar cane farm at the moment makes about 8k per harvest. We have only mad 1/4 of it. In the end this farm will make 30k per harvest. This farm goes up to skylimit so its about 180 blocks high. Each layer is 3 blocks tall. 180 divided by 3 = 60 layers. Obviously that is big. We have not reached that yet but we are on our 14 layer and have made all the walls going to skylimit and have made the floor of every layer all we need is water and cane. So if you would like to join our guild and use our farm you our welcome too. But we have one policy, you must pay 1k a day. If you think about it that is so cheap. That's like mining 1 layer of the sugar cane farm. Also the 1k doesn't go to me. I let you do the /g deposit command.

`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Application Form~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1: Minecraft Username
2: Why do you want to join the guild?
3: Do you accept the 1k policy?
4: Do you have more than 10k
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Void Walker

Sorry, just poking fun.

A simple division mark online is the / key. I also think you should separate your application from the information about your group.
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Gold Miner
1:Minecraft Username: RaisinGlory
2: WHY do you want to join? All I do on survival is farm. Take a look at my cacti farm and my auto sugarcane farm and you will understand.
3:Are you willing to pay that 1k? Sure
4: Do you have at least 10k? My building supplies is worth more than 20k