Factions Dp's


Zombie Killer
Kambo here i will be doing a private facctions dp. What to do:
IGN: Snapcraft
Faction: SnapCraft
(Just an example but I want you to put info why :-P)


Gold Miner
Ign: McSkillz98
Faction: Currently not in one.
Why: Well ever since I played Factions I've been a poor guy. I can't even pvp! I have no armor, weapons, potions, anything! This drop party would totally help me become the pvper ;-) But yes this dp would mean the world to me <3 The only thing I have is ONE prot 1 set. Sad story. I was killed over and over at my base and my power is -37 :-( I now have nothing to use to help me pick myself up.


Zombie Killer
Prizes in DP are he following:
1.p3 armour (10+ Sets)
2.Diamonds (5 stacks Maybe)
3.Diamonds Swords (Sharpness 4 Fire 2 - Sharpness 5 Fire 2 and around 8 of them)
4.Protection 4 armour (5 sets)
5.Protection 4 Unbreaking 3 ( 1-2 sets)
6.God apples (20+)
7.Money (4k-60k)
8.Vault (nothing in it)
9.Farm (Maybe not)
10.Shaprness 5 Axe (1 If not that)
ANy donations would Great and will get you a higher chance to win a private dp (will be picking 10 or less


Gold Miner
Can I make a new and better one?
Ign: McSkillz98
Faction: LoneWolf
Why: Here I'll explain why I should be picked for the dp. Currently I'm a "Lone wolf" I have no one or anyone to team with. Currently I have no base, armor, or potions supplies you name it I don't own it. I was in a faction until I was kicked without notice. Long story short all my stuff was left at the faction base. On factions I consider myself a poor player. Why do I consider myself that? Because I have barely no supplies I'm lucky if I come across a piece of steak. Also, I'm very low on money I have 2-3k... I did have a farm until it was raided and after that poorness kicked in. Now I don't have money.
Like I said above I'm a lone wolf I'm with no one, I fend for myself. At the moment it's pretty hard trying to get a base together when you're poor. What is it 1k to make a faction? I have no money. I have no base. The only place where I can put my stuff is in my enderchest. What do I have in my enderchest? One Protection 1 set with a sharp iv fire aspect and two potions. That's the only thing I own from my other faction.
All these things would come in handy you know why? Protection 4 sets I'd finally be able to pvp for once. I never had a Protection 4 set in my life while playing factions. That money? That money can go to making a good faction! A rich faction to be exact. The vault would be perfect for me! I'd be able to have a base already to use so I don't need to spend the 2-3k I have and need for more important things. Those diamond swords would be perfect for me. Because I'd be able to pvp. All those things would be very helpful to me!
I hope you consider me for this drop party! All of these things are amazing for a player to have like me! Thanks


Zombie Killer
Ign: tsshaik4
Faction name: Rise up
Why: I recently got into factions after not playing on it for a while and I want to be
op and rich on there. I only have 2 prot 4 sets in my ender and barely any money. Also I am a VERY big fan and I would donate to you on factions or kit pvp. - twwhaik


Zombie Killer
Ign: tsshaik4
Faction name: Rise up
Why: I recently got into factions after not playing on it for a while and I want to be
op and rich on there. I only have 2 prot 4 sets in my ender and barely any money. Also I am a VERY big fan and I would donate to you on factions or kit pvp. - twwhaik
Donating on KitPvP would be Great, Tanks for the offer :-D


Stone Miner
Why:ive played on this server for like 3/2 years now and when i started on factions i couldn't, stop now 2 or 3 years later i still play ALOT
and im not that rich so i would love to join this DP to get me some stuff to pvp in.


Zombie Killer
ign: Minecraftfan715
Faction: Forgot
Why: Well, I'm new to factions, barely have anything, when I first started I didn't have anything (you're meant to have things) and now I don't have any food or swords and my factions is actually rubbish. I don't even have an armour set or a sword so that would appreciated!


Zombie Killer
Ign: Creeper1o8

Why: I have been in factions for a while now and I think it would be great to have a application about this :-D I really hope I win a p4 set and a sharp 5 fire 2 :-D I hope you like my application and thanks!


Skeleton Slayer
IGN: mayamush
Faction: Vidix
Why: I'm one of your good friends :-P
I have been raided three times and need some items/farm/money to get me back on the right track.
Btw, I hope this isn't you quitting factions :-O


Zombie Killer
IGN: mayamush
Faction: Vidix
Why: I'm one of your good friends :-P
I have been raided three times and need some items/farm/money to get me back on the right track.
Btw, I hope this isn't you quitting factions :eek:
hahaha, no i won't quit :-P i'm just wanting to give :-P

Mr. Alon

Zombie Killer
IGN: AlonShay
Faction: Revolution
Why: I died in PvP a lot recently and I lost a lot of good stuff that I'm having really hard time getting back. plus I also need money to expand my faction base so I might sell some of the items I get from the DP for that reason.
luvs Alon <3
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