Factions Mcmmo Credits


Iron Miner
not sure if this is off topic but im just wondering do we get our credits back after the mcmmo reset on factions


So, I'll give a quick rundown explaining this, as well as a couple other things that relate to this topic:

- Your current levels will reset. Example: If you have 200 in 'Mining' that'll go to 0
- Purchased credits and credits received with ranks will not be refunded.
- Unused credits will transfer over. So, if you have 100 credits you haven't used, you'll still have them to use freely after.

So, this is almost a little bit of a warning. But, if you buy a rank or credits now. I personally recommend you don't use them until after the McMMO reset, for obvious reasons.

I know what you're thinking. "This sucks." - Understandable. However, it'll be a fresh start. All players will be even. The way we store the stats will be WAY better. I wont go to far into technical terms. But, it's to avoid/prevent what's already happened from happening again.

Also, trust me on this one, Factions WILL be better. McMMO WILL be better. It'll be like nothing you've ever seen before. It WILL be epic.