Added Factions Suggestions

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Tree Puncher
Couple of quick suggestions here;
1. fishing contest timer, much alike Koth timer. Pretty self explanatory.
2. Client side time of day; or atleast include Timezone codes to the timers. EG; Faction shields end at 9am, who’s 9am? It’s definitely not mine.
3. More Spawners; more spawners mean more loot, more grinders and more areas to raid.

Cannon server suggestions;
1. Options to get larger plot sizes (if that’s not already there)
2. Be able to protect certain areas of your plot from TNT damage (not make TNT not explode.) would save rebuilding if a cannon didn’t go to plan.
3. Gen walls, much like Gen buckets or world edit, be able to place a wall within a second using a bucket or a //download from world edit to allow the creation of normal walls or regen walls to practice on.
4. Being able to save/load a plot. Finished building your cannons and walls, time to practice? Save the plot, blow stuff up, then load the plot back to the saved version so everything returns, saving time of rebuilding to allow for a smoother, more enjoyable gameplay.
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