Finally Unbanned! :d


Iron Miner
Hello everyone I've been banned for a year now I am back it feels great to be back on the server lots of changes but, good changes the kind of changes I like to see on servers it's been so long since Iv'e been on the servers it feels great I was idiotic to actually use hacks on the server thats why I wont do it again going back on the server takes me back to good old days the days were I got on Kit PVP and everyone was having fun it's a miracle how great the server as the same as the old days now I'm finally back thanks to everyone for bring me back I appreciate that the admins gave me another chance so that's I wanted to say to introduce myself to new people I haven't met before on the server so let me tell you guys a little about myself. My name is Andy or some people call me Chris I like Chris better than Andy but, it's your choice on what to call me I'm 12 years going to turn 13 in September 4 so happy I'm almost close to being a teenager so I can watch PG-13 Movies of course :-D nah just kidding I'm into anime but, not that much into it like I mean I don't have merchandise and stuff I just watch it my Top 5 anime shows are 5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 4. Dragon Ball Z 3. Naruto 2. Attack On Titan 1. Bleach that's my opinion I'm also a skater that's trying to get sponsor I'm also quite tall I'm 5'8 but, damn it feels great I play sports too like soccer, football, and track and field. Will that's all about me why not tell me a little about yourself too :-D Again Feels Great To Be Back!


Creeper Hugger
Welcome back!


Zombie Killer
Welcome back :-D


Zombie Killer
Welcome back! You can now /slap people, don't abuse it too much xd