Fishing Odds?


First Step
Does anyone know what the odds are of catching a legendary fish? And by how much the odds increase depending on the enchanments on your fishing rod?


Gold Miner
I have only caught two legendary fish in all my time playing kit soo I assume the chance of catching one is very rare. Also the time it takes to catch a fish is 5-30 seconds with a regular rod and lure decreases the time by 5 seconds per level being 5-15 seconds with a maxed rod. I am not entirely sure what luck of the sea does to improve the odds but when I find out I will let you know.


Gold Miner
Luck of the sea lowers the chance of getting junk and increases the chance of getting treasure in vanilla minecraft. I am not sure how this transfers over to snapcrafts fishing system but there are junk items in snapcraft like sponges so maybe it lessens the chance of getting those?


Obsidian Miner
Luck of the sea increases your chances of getting better fish or items but unfortunately I don’t know by how much, I’m sure the difference isn’t too different to vanilla but am not 100% sure on that


Gold Miner
Luck of the sea increases the chance of treasure by 1% per level but I am not sure about how much it decreases junk per level.