Fixes for survival


First Step
I figured I would make a list of fixes for the new survival map since I've been here a long time.
1. Turning pvp on in the wild. The issue with no pvp is that we can't force people out of our claims without it on, if someone is blocking our base on purpose we have to wait for staff to come to get rid of them. It also takes away the competitive aspect of the game.
2. Adding spawners to legendary crate. Currently there's no way to make money consistently. Adding spawners to the legendary and rare crates would add a way to make money early on and expand the economy.
3. Increasing the sell value of pretty much everything in the shop. Right now you can buy a shulker shell for 7.5k but only sell them for $10. That's ridiculous. There's no way to profit from any spawner in the shop. Everything we can farm has such low resale value it's not even worth it.
4. Adding back normal anvils. There's no way to name nametags, items or anything else in the anvil and combining 2 enchanted items in the anvil gives an unenchanted item.
5. Bring back /gmc. Everyone with King rank or higher specifically paid for gmc, otherwise we wouldn't have spent the money on it.
6. Make the armor and tools in the crates worth it. Kit ultra is way better than the legendary set and it's pretty insane.
7. Add all items to the /shop so we can sell and buy more.
8. Fix /warp. Currently nobody is able to do /warp and it's a rank perk to set warps for Premium and higher.
9. Bring back player shops/shop signs so we can sell the items the shop doesn't.
10. Bring custom enchants back. This was an integral part of survival for as long as I can remember and it really sets SnapCraft survival apart from most other servers.

Feel free to add your own fixes in the thread and hopefully this makes it to the owners. Thank you all for reading


Staff member
1. agreed, dont see why it was disabled to begin with
2. +1
3. agreed, quite a pain to gain money at the moment
4. the bug with the disenchanting has been reported and will be fixed. I do agree with adding the normal anvils.
5. personally it feels more like survival without it, but it do suck that majority of us wasted money on the rank now without any type of compensation for the loss of a perk.
6. also been reported to the owners and will be fixed hopefully.
7. maybe not all, but most items.
8. this has also been reported to the owners.
9. +1
10. there will be custom enchants eventually, theyre just working on making sure they work for all versions.


Staff member
My opinions on this:
1- I think PvP in the wild would be good tbf. Sure the current system works on other servers, but not snap. Just have the ability to turn PvP in claims.
2/6- I dont think spawners should be in leg crates. I think buying them from /shop and exploring and getting them from the wild is good. Certain parts of the crate are too strong, like the McMMO levels. But the armour does need a buff.
3- -1 on that. It's start of the world, people shouldnt have lots of spawners and money at this stage. I think the money sell prices are good.
4- The custom anvils are cool, and offer a cheap way to repair armour etc. Just add the ability to rename and combine with them too.
5- I dont think GMC should be added back, it's Survival, not Creative. I dont know why it was ever added. Perhaps something else could be added (if you have any ideas)?
7- What is missing?
8- /warp should be fixed tomorrow.
9- I agree some sort of new plugin for that would be good. Perhaps the one used on Skyblock.
10- Custom enchants are coming soon!

Thank you the feedback :)


First Step
My opinions on this:
1- I think PvP in the wild would be good tbf. Sure the current system works on other servers, but not snap. Just have the ability to turn PvP in claims.
2/6- I dont think spawners should be in leg crates. I think buying them from /shop and exploring and getting them from the wild is good. Certain parts of the crate are too strong, like the McMMO levels. But the armour does need a buff.
3- -1 on that. It's start of the world, people shouldnt have lots of spawners and money at this stage. I think the money sell prices are good.
4- The custom anvils are cool, and offer a cheap way to repair armour etc. Just add the ability to rename and combine with them too.
5- I dont think GMC should be added back, it's Survival, not Creative. I dont know why it was ever added. Perhaps something else could be added (if you have any ideas)?
7- What is missing?
8- /warp should be fixed tomorrow.
9- I agree some sort of new plugin for that would be good. Perhaps the one used on Skyblock.
10- Custom enchants are coming soon!

Thank you the feedback :)
I'm not sure what could replace /gmc. It was such a big part of base building and afking that I don't think anything could replace it. Maybe another king rank+ perk like a special command, item or dimension we can mess around with. Something that makes the rank worth having. Most people decided not to come back for the reset because they took gmc away after saying ranks wouldn't be messed with. They definitely should've pitched the idea or played around with it before dropping it on us. This has been a huge change for everyone, especially right after switching owners. I think the community needs a break and something they're more familiar with.


Tree Puncher
The gmc mode I don’t get myself since it’s survival. I would much rather have another perk than that.
And add more stuff in the goldshop. Many empty categories


Skeleton Slayer
I agree with rywik in a lot of these points. I do however think a perk in place of GMC would be a valuable replacement. Also something that could be looked into is ./fix hand/all not having an immediate cooldown of 6 hours after not fixing any items in my inventory, as well as ./fix all not working at all. I also am a fan of spawners in the legendary crate but understand that it could be viewed at as ptw.


Staff member
My opinions on this:
1- I think PvP in the wild would be good tbf. Sure the current system works on other servers, but not snap. Just have the ability to turn PvP in claims.
2/6- I dont think spawners should be in leg crates. I think buying them from /shop and exploring and getting them from the wild is good. Certain parts of the crate are too strong, like the McMMO levels. But the armour does need a buff.
3- -1 on that. It's start of the world, people shouldnt have lots of spawners and money at this stage. I think the money sell prices are good.
4- The custom anvils are cool, and offer a cheap way to repair armour etc. Just add the ability to rename and combine with them too.
5- I dont think GMC should be added back, it's Survival, not Creative. I dont know why it was ever added. Perhaps something else could be added (if you have any ideas)?
7- What is missing?
8- /warp should be fixed tomorrow.
9- I agree some sort of new plugin for that would be good. Perhaps the one used on Skyblock.
10- Custom enchants are coming soon!

Thank you the feedback :)
+1 ^


First Step
Seems like a popular opinion, but even though all of us ranked players were used to the /gmc, it took out the survival aspect and the game turned into who could churn out the most cash and what benefit does that have with enjoying actual survival?

Keep the GMC gone imo and the economy being a bit stiff like it is also means people are working harder, which in my opinion is great!