Friends List System Would Be Boss Agree?


First Step
I was just thinking about all the people I love in snapcraft and thought "What if I could friend them so I don't forget them for eternity?" I personally think it would be amazing if there would be a friending system! What do you guys think? Yae or Nae?


Staff member
I couldn't add anyone then. Hah.
But Sounds like a good idea...


Stone Miner
Good idea! I'd definitely find that useful.


Creeper Hugger
I find this pointless on a server like snapcraft when servers don't fill up fast; and like bob said, if you can't remember them... They aren't real friends lol


First Step
I think it's a good idea honestly. A system like that could tell you if a friend is online or not. (I know Mineplex has this system and it's a nice perk). Plus not everyone has skype/wants skype.

Baroness Tam

Tree Puncher
The idea I like it, though I add my game friends to FB gaming profile, if close they add to my RL profile, I have tons on Skype.
I can remember details of probably about 400 friends (I was even tested lol and list read thru while my bud double clicked their profiles and verified what I "knew" about them. I know where I met them, which group they share with me, what game or place, their relationship status, general age group(exact if close and known more than a year). I get fuzzy on real names of many. Its funny since a good 1/3 were like around 8 sometimes and they are now adults and teens. Amazing even.

They start as more general adds like guild/group/faction. My old faction server has a who's online light ( I am not there because ...meh. But none of my friends play there anymore)