Funniest Snapcraft Moments


Iron Miner
Here are my favourite 2 moments....
--> When @Libby_ killed Ibasss's alt, and then as he turned gmc on and as he was VIP Libby then called him a hacker XD

--> When FireBlaze910 made a "weed house" (dead bush) and then ran away because apparently the "police were coming"

If you have too many funny moments, i'm not asking for all of them, just name a few :-P

Looking forward to see your funny moments....


Skeleton Slayer
When Alexdaka and Telmjcan had been messin around and they were trying to kill meh while i was using speed 10 XD


Creeper Hugger
- The time when ShaunSkats and mattkim500 were versing each other as a build competition.
Square dirt house vs. mansion
(you can guess who is who).