[gold Farm]


Void Walker
hey there helper im muted but nobody reacts at my appeal D: i really want to be unmated!

Your Thread was locked, meaning by default that it was denied (either for not using the proper format, or your mute was short and didn't need appealing). Message higher Staff if you require details; otherwise, try talking again in said server.

And yes Bob, I believe we confirmed in a similar Thread that portal frames are no longer a thing. It was a while back though, they were trying to farm and couldn't due to pigmen being disabled.


Obsidian Miner

Your Thread was locked, meaning by default that it was denied (either for not using the proper format, or your mute was short and didn't need appealing). Message higher Staff if you require details; otherwise, try talking again in said server.

And yes Bob, I believe we confirmed in a similar Thread that portal frames are no longer a thing. It was a while back though, they were trying to farm and couldn't due to pigmen being disabled.
that stinks cause in sc2 I have a 9 sponge gold farm

Jay O'brien

Gold Miner
I like the idea of vertical portals every other block and then a mob crusher. I used that in Snapcraft 1 and it work great for me. The only reason I unsponged it was because I hated the idea of crafting gold so frickin much.